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Rio 2016: Olympic Games of the rights of children and adolescents - Respect Protect Ensure - Everyone together for the rights of children and adolescents

O texto abaixo, em inglês, tem o objetivo de atender aos parceiros internacionais da campanha Respeitar Proteger Garantir. A iniciativa é resultado do projeto “Rio 2016: Olimpíadas dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente”, voltado à participação cidadã e ao protagonismo juvenil na conscientização de jovens sobre as cinco violações consideradas as mais recorrentes em grandes eventos. São elas: exploração sexual infantojuvenil; trabalho infantil; o uso de álcool e outras drogas; crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua; e adolescentes e crianças perdidas e desaparecidas. Saiba mais

The full protection of children and adolescents during the 2016 Olympic Games is the focus of a joint campaign at national and international level named “Respect, Protect, Ensure - Everyone together for the Rights of Children and Adolescents”.
The actions on mobilization and engagement are expected to go beyond the competition period, being replicated and disseminated in all big events held in Brazil.
The initiative intends to involve the largest number of institutions, governments and civil society organizations as possible during the biggest sports tournament in the world, to prevent five violations of the rights of children and adolescents that are considered to be the most frequent in big events:
- child sexual exploitation;
- child labor;
- use of alcohol and other illegal drugs;
- street children and adolescents;
- lost or missing children and adolescents.

Besides informing the population and tourists about the most frequent violations of the rights of children and adolescent in big events, the campaign will disseminate to the public and tourists the main reporting channels to activate the Brazilian Rights Assurance System (RAS) at any sign of violation: the Disque 100 (dial 100) and the Proteja Brasil application.
During the Olympic Games the Committee of Full Protection to Children and Adolescents during Mega-events in Rio de Janeiro will install the Plantões Integrados which are sites with all the technical support, involving about 1,000 professionals to provide clarifications to the public during the Games. The Plantões Integrados will be identified with the campaign logo.
The action will also count on the support of more than 100 volunteers that will work to raise awareness among the population and clarify doubts about main violations.
In addition to posters, banners and distribution of gifts and flyers, the campaign will be disseminated on social networks - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The diver Hugo Parisi and the actress Elizabeth Savalla will participate in the campaign supporting it with solidarity and no financial involvement.
The society is expected to get engaged with the campaign through the hashtags #EuRespeito #EuProtejo #EuGaranto (I Respect, I Protect, I Ensure) and to learn about the importance of fully protecting children and adolescents. During the games, volunteers will also encourage the Live Sites audience to post pictures and texts about the campaign.

The campaign is part of the project “Rio 2016: Olympic Games of the Rights of Children and Adolescents”, continuing the action promoted during the 2014 FIFA World Cup that, by that time, aimed to fight child sexual exploitation.
The campaign is developed by the National Front of Mayors (FNP) co-funded by the European Union (EU) and with the partnership of Viva Rio, the Italian ISCOS Piemonte, the End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking (ECPAT) International Network (France), the city halls of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef).

The initiative is also supported by the federal government through the Human Rights Special Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice and Citizenship; Mercocidades Network; 100 Cities Cooperation Program to 100 Brazil-Italy Projects of the Childhood Brasil; National Committee to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents; National Forum to Prevent and Eradicate Child Labor (FNPETI); ECPAT Brasil; Rio de Janeiro Center of Defense of Rights of Children and Adolescents (Cedeca-RJ); Committee of Full Protection of Children and Adolescents during Mega-events in Rio de Janeiro; the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee; and the Managers Network composed by representatives of the cities of Fortaleza/CE, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Porto Alegre/RS, Natal/RN, Recife/PE, Salvador/BA, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasília/DF, Cuiabá/MT, São Paulo/SP, Curitiba/PR, Manaus/AM, São Luís/MA.

Other collaborators of the project are: the Labor Public Prosecutor’s Office; Abrinq Foundation; Accor Hotels Network; the Brazilian Association of Hotels Industry in the state of São Paulo/SP (ABIH-SP); the Brazilian Association of Travel Agency in the state of Rio de Janeiro/RJ (ABAV-RJ); the Brazilian Association of Shopping Malls (Abrasce);
Madureira Shopping Center; the Federation of Passenger Transport Companies in the state of Rio de Janeiro/RJ(Fetranspor); Invepar Institute; Ancar Invanhoe Shopping Centers; Happy Child; Latam; Brazil Health & Action (Brasa); and, the Brazilian Association of Passenger Road Transport Companies (Abrati).

Corporations, civil society organizations and state and municipal governments interested in adhering to the campaign should get in contact with the FNP on the e-mail Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

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Institutional coordination: Denise Carvalho
Telephone: +55 61 3044 9819 or +55 61 9555 5661
e-mail: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.